
Friday, March 1, 2013

29 Weeks and Baby Shower

I am definitely overdue for an update, so I'll start off by informing you that both baby and mama are doing very well.
We've been busy preparing for baby's arrival.  We've been on kind of a home improvement spree lately.  It started off with the decision to re-carpet all the bedrooms.  We received a very generous gift for Christmas from Shane's parents, David and Theresa, for carpeting in the baby's room, and we decided might as well do the other two rooms while we're at it.  And of course since we were putting in the new carpet, might as well paint right?  We also replaced some base board that was in the extra room because it wasn't in very good shape. Shane's mom Theresa although she originally volunteered to paint the baby's room, helped us paint the other rooms as well as install the baseboard, we're so grateful for all her help!  Our current project is re-finishing our bedroom furniture, it's been sanded and primed and is ready for paint! Last project(for a little while) will be installing new closet shelving in our walk-in closet.  I'll be glad to have the house back in order, but all the work is paying off and is worth it.
In the midst off all the home improving, I had the baby shower in Arizona thrown by my wonderful mom Jill and cousins Rachael, and Stephanie.  The surfer/beach theme turned out so cute, and it was so much fun. The food (pineapple chicken sandwiches, coconut shrimp, and sand pail pineapple pudding to name a few items) were all delicious! And the games had us all quite entertained. I've got plenty of pictures here to share.
 All of the decorations were so cute!
 Rachael and Stephanie did an amazing job on the cake and cupcakes.
 The purse scavenger hunt
 How many balloons can you stuff into your shirt in 10 sec.
 My beautiful cousins Rachel and Stephanie
Got some really cute ocean theme goodies
 And of course plenty of cute outfits
 And lots of other baby necessities
Thank you mama for an amazing shower!
29 Weeks...
How far along? 29 weeks 4 days 

Weight gain:  18 lbs

Food cravings: Not much of a change here, still have the appetite of a trucker 

Maternity clothes: a few maternity items mixed in with my regular clothes

Stretch marks? No, I hope the stretch mark cream works on my belly

Sleep: Shane bought me a maternity pillow for Valentines day(along with Glen Ivy Spa gift cards) which I love, but I've been getting up 2-3 times a night to go to the bathroom. little boy sits right on my bladder all day loooong

Miss anything? I would like to enjoy a drink with hubby, but I'll also be glad to have my body back

Anything making you sick or queasy? Nope

Gender: Boy :)

Movement: he moves all day long, he's very active these days

Symptoms: sore and swollen feet along with back aches, this extra weight is starting to take its toll

Labor signs: none

Belly button in or out? the top is starting to stick out a little bit

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or moody most of the time: happy ;)

Best moment this week: Got news that the crib and dresser have been ordered (Thank you so much Theresa) can't wait until they arrive

Looking forward to: So much to look forward to. Looking forward to the next baby shower(s), having all bedrooms/furniture in their places, putting the baby's room together, and of course baby boy's arrival, he will be here in a little over 9 weeks if he doesn't decided to come sooner.

Monday, January 28, 2013

24 Weeks...

How far along? 24 weeks

Weight gain: 13+ lbs

Food cravings: I have a little bit of a sweet tooth lately

Maternity clothes: love my maternity jeans and leggings are the most comfortable

Stretch marks? No, I hope the stretch mark cream works on my belly

Sleep: sleeping good although I have to switch sides often, my shoulders get sore if I lay on one side too long

Miss anything? Not only do I miss an adult beverage on occasion, but I miss being able to walk around the mall without having to sit down every 20 min. because of my sore feet

Anything making you sick or queasy? Nope

Gender: Boy :)

Movement: he moves more and more each day. It's crazy seeing him move from the outside too

Symptoms: sore and swollen feet

Labor signs: none

Belly button in or out? Still in, almost flat

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or moody most of the time: happy ;)

Best moment this week: we got the nursery painted, thank you so much Theresa for doing that! We also got carpet ordered for all three bedrooms!

Looking forward to: I'm getting really excited for the baby showers. And I can't wait to see the rooms with new carpet and fresh paint!

Monday, January 14, 2013

23 Weeks...

How far along? 23 weeks 3 days

Weight gain: +13 lbs

Food cravings: nothing specific. I'm hungry from the time I wake up until the time I go to bed

Maternity clothes: got my maternity jeans!

Stretch marks? None on the belly

Sleep: still sleeping great

Miss anything? I might have the same answer to this one up until the little guy shows up

Movement: feel him move and kick all day and I absolutely love it!

Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope!

Gender: boy

Symptoms: I thought I'd add this one in since my feet are starting to swell if I'm on them all day. Hooray! :/

Labor signs: none. Added this one as well since we're only 16 weeks away

Belly button in or out? In-ish

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or moody most of the time: happy as a clam

Best moment this week: taking the second belly progression photo today. Can't wait to compare it to the first one four weeks ago

Looking forward to: my first baby shower in Arizona is coming up on Feb. the 16th can't wait!

21 weeks...

How far along? 21 weeks

Total weight gain: up to 115 that means I gained 3 lbs in the last 4 weeks! Thank you Christmas

Food cravings: Haven't had many cravings, but I do have a pretty hearty appetite

Maternity Clothes? I ordered some maternity jeans. I'm getting pretty tired of leggings everyday

Stretch marks? With my boobs growing to ginormous proportions unfortunately I can answer yes to this one

Sleep: Sleeping great

Miss anything? Same as last weeks

Movement: I'm feeling full fledged kicks these days. This has by far been the best part of pregnancy. Shane can feel him too :)

Belly button in or out? It's still in but hanging on for dear life

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or moody most of the time: one happy girl

Best moment this week: our nice quiet New Years Eve just me, Shane and a movie at home

Baby Buys: just received the car seat canopy, now I can't wait until we have a car seat to put it on!

Looking forward to: picking out paint color for the nursery. And baby boy will be here before we know it!

19 Weeks...

Okay well so much for my promise to keep the blog up to date.  I've come to realize I'm not so great at blogging.
Plus I've had some technical difficulties.
Anyway, get ready for update overload.

How far along? 19 weeks

Total weight gain: +10 lbs

Food cravings: I haven't been able to resist all the holiday sweets

Maternity clothes? Still just rockin' the leggings

Stretch marks? Nope

Sleep: sleeping well

Miss anything? Going to state the obvious and say I miss having an icy cold beer or cocktail especially with all the holiday festivities going on

Movement: starting to feel more kicks and I love it!

Anything making you sick or queasy? No I've had it pretty easy I'd say

Have you started to show? See picture above

Gender: precious little boy

Belly button in or out? It's still in for now

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or moody most of the time: I could not be happier

Best moment this week: Watching all of my favorite Christmas movies

Baby Buys: I did find some super cute Hurley onesies

Looking forward to: Going to Arizona before Christmas

Thursday, December 13, 2012

18 Weeks...

How far along? 18 weeks 6 days
Total weight gain/loss: up from 102 lbs to 110 lbs

Food cravings: Sweets! I really wanted a root beer float today

Maternity clothes? Rockin those leggings!

Stretch Marks? Nope, I've been rubbing cocoa butter on my belly, so lets hope that works

Sleep: Sleeping good, except for midnight bathroom breaks

Miss anything? Mmm beer(in my Homer Simpson voice) and not having to pee two million times a day

Movement: Feeling more off and on throughout the day

Anything making you sick or queasy? Nope

Have you started to show? With strangers asking me when my due date is, I'm going to say yes!

Gender: Baby Holt is a Boy!

Belly Button in or out? In, but it's starting flatten out

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or moody most of the time: Happy camper :)
Best moment this weeks: We bought and decorated our Christmas tree.
Here is Shane picking out the perfect tree, and me enjoying said tree. It makes the house feel so cozy, I love it.
And of course the absolute best part of my week, seeing our precious little guy, and hearing that he's healthy and all is well.
 I think he's definitely going to have Shane's nose, but Shane says otherwise.

 Right foot
 Left foot
Confirmation that he is in fact still a boy!

Baby Buys: Still haven't really bought anything thing for him, but can't wait to get started on the nursery.
Looking forward to: Christmas is right around the corner, and I'm looking forward to enjoying the holiday with family.

Monday, December 10, 2012

17 weeks...

 Week 17
Finally, your baby's arms, legs, and trunk have caught up to the size of his head. Baby starts plumping up this week, as body fat is deposited under his skin and sweat glands develop. Also worth noting: The placenta is almost as big as your baby. It provides vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats, and oxygen, along with removing waste and filtering carbon dioxide.

Ok, I'll be the first to admit I'm not the best at this blogging thing, but I promise I'll do my best from here on out to keep up with the weekly updates.  

How far along? let's just pretend I'm still 17 weeks lol
Total weight gain/loss: up from 102 lbs to 110 lbs

Food cravings: Cinnamon rolls! They have cinnabon cinnamon rolls at Burger King and I had to have them last week! Sooo yummy

Maternity clothes? I've been wearing leggings a lot, I've got like 5 pairs, and I use my belly band over my unbuttoned jeans :)

Stretch Marks? None, knock on wood

Sleep: I'm still sleeping really well, so well that I haven't even had to get up to go to the bathroom.

Miss anything? Being able to stay awake past 8 p.m. I had to force myself not to fall asleep on the couch while watching the season finale of Sons of Anarchy the other night.

Movement: Feeling sluggish waves of movement like he's doing little somersaults in there, and little kicks.

Anything making you sick or queasy? Nope

Have you started to show? With strangers asking me when my due date is, I'm going to say yes!

Gender: Baby Holt is a Boy!

Belly Button in or out? In, but it's starting to flatten out.

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or moody most of the time: Happy!

Best moment this week: Decorating the house for Christmas, I love Christmas decorations!!

Baby Buys: I'm hesitant to buy things for the baby, I think I'm waiting until after the baby shower(s) unless I find something that I just can't live without!
Looking forward to: Next appointment is coming up, I can't wait to see our little guy and how much bigger he is!

I promise to post Week 18 update before Friday(19 weeks)!